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Anatomy Success is a website designed by an Aberdeen Medical Student to assist medical and anatomy students in their studies of human anatomy.


The aim of this resource is to simplify anatomy by using a systematic approach to learn what is required for various human anatomy components. 


The human anatomy components on this website are:


All content will be displayed by the use of photos followed by bulletpoints naming the relevant structures that you need to know. 


Recommended way of progressing through website e.g. for learning upper limb:

  • Read this 'About' section

  • Read 'Upper Limb' main page

  • Go through upper limb subsection by subsection systematically


There is a question bank with typical exam questions you can use to test yourself.


Reference for anatomical photos:

DRAKE, R. L., VOGL, A. W. & MITCHELL, A. W. M. (2013). GRAY'S ANATOMY FOR STUDENTS. 3rd Ed. Philadelphia. Churchill Livingstone Elsevier.


Reference for spotter question photos:

K., E. R., L., J. R., W., P. & J., J. R. (2016). Human Anatomy Online. Available: Last accessed 7th Mar 2016.


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