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Bones of the Upper Limb:

  • Sacrum

  • Hip Bone

  • Femur

  • Patella

  • Tibia

  • Fibula

  • Tarsals

  • Metatarsals

  • Phalanges








Hip Bone:


3 parts of hipbone:

  • Ilium

  • Ischium

  • Pubis
































  • Anterior superior iliac spine

  • Posterior superior iliac spine

  • Iliac crest

  • Ilium:

    • Ala of ilium

  • Ischium:

    • Ischial spine

    • Ischial tuberosity

  • Pubis:

    • Superior pubic ramus 

    • Ischiopubic ramus

    • Body of pubis

    • Pubic tubercle

    • Pubic crest

    • Pubic symphysis

  • Obturator foramen

  • Acetabular cavity









  • Head

  • Neck

  • Greater trochanter

  • Lesser trochanter

  • Intertrochanteric line

  • Medial condyle

  • Lateral condyle

  • Medial epicondyle

  • Lateral epicondyle

  • Lateral supracondylar ridge

  • Medial supracondylar ridge

Tibia & Fibula



  • Calcaneus

  • Talus

  • Navicular

  • Cuneiforms (3)

  • Cuboid





  • 5 (each toe has a metatarsal bone)






Each toe has a:

  • Proximal phalanx

  • Middle phalanx (except big toe)

  • Distal phalanx


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