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Bones of the Head & Neck:

  • Skull

    • Bones

    • General Features

    • Skull views:

      • Superior view

      • Anterior view

      • Lateral view

      • Posterior view

      • Inferior view- Floor of skull

      • Inferior view- Base of skull

    • Foramina of the skull

    • Teeth

  • Cervical vertebrae

    • Typical features

    • Cervical curvature

    • C1, C2 & C7

  • Hyoid bone






The skull is divided into 3 parts:

  1. Cranium

  2. Facial skull

  3. Mandible



Cranial bones:

  • Frontal bone

  • Parietal bone

  • Occipital bone

  • Temporal bone

  • Sphenoid bone

  • Ethmoid bone









Facial bones:

  • Lacrimal bone

  • Maxilla

  • Nasal bone

  • Vomer bone

  • Zygomatic bone

  • Inferior concha bone

  • Palatine bone










General Features


General feature:

  • Diploe











A neonatal skull is not fully ossified.


Ages of fusion:

  • Anterior fontanelle- 18months-2years

  • Posterior fontanelle- 2-3months

  • Sphenoidal fontanelle- around 6months

  • Mastoid fontanelle- 6-18months









Superior View


Superior view:

  • Coronal suture

  • Sagittal suture

  • Lambdoid suture



















Anterior View


Anterior view:

  • Infraorbital foramen

  • Maxilla

  • Naison

  • Glabella

  • Supraorbital notch

















Lateral View


Lateral view:

  • Mastoid process

  • Styloid process

  • Zygomatic arch

  • Pterion- where 4 bones come together

  • Mandible

    • Head

    • Neck

    • Mandibular angle

    • Mandibular rami

    • Body

    • Condylar process

    • Mental foramen













  • Temporal fossa

  • Infratemporal fossa




















Posterior View


Posterior view:

  • External occipital protruberence

  • Superior nuchal line

  • Inferior nuchal line




















Inferior View- Floor of Skull


Floor of the skull is made up of 3 fossae:

  • Anterior cranial fossa

  • Middle cranial fossa

  • Posterior cranial fossa











Anterior cranial fossa:

  • Foramen cecum

  • Crista galli

  • Cribriform plate










Middle cranial fossa:

  • Optic canal

  • Superior orbital fissure

  • Foramen rotundum

  • Foramen ovale

  • Foramen spinosum

  • Foramen lacerum

  • Carotid canal

  • Groove for middle meningeal artery







Posterior cranial fossa:

  • Internal acoustic meatus

  • Jugular foramen

  • Hypoglossal canal

  • Foramen magnum

  • Groove for signmoid sinus

  • Groove for transverse sinus









Sphenoid bone in floor of skull:

  • Pituitary fossa

  • Greater wing

  • Lesser wing

  • Sella turcica

  • Dorsum sellae

  • Tuberculum sellae

  • Anterior clinoid processes

  • Posterior clinoid processes










Inferior View- Base of Skull


Base of skull:

  • Palatine bone

  • Styloid process

  • Stylomastoid foramen

  • Occipital condyles





















Sphenoid bone in base of skull:

  • Body

  • Greater wing

  • Lesser wing

  • Pterygoid process

  • Medial pterygoid plate

  • Lateral pterygoid plate

  • Pterygoid hamulus










Foramina of the Skull





















































































Cervical Vertebrae


Typical Features


Typical features:

  • Body

  • Articular facet

  • Transverse foramen

  • Spinous process

  • Transverse process

  • Tubercle

  • Pedicle

  • Lamina

  • Vertebral foramen





Cervical Curvature


Cervical curvature is lordosis. There are 7 cervical certebrae.



















C1, C2 & C7




  • Large vertebral foramen

  • No body








  • Odontoid peg/dens for articulation with large vertebral foramen of axis











Hyoid Bone


  • Greater horn

  • Lesser horn

  • Body


Muscles attached to hyoid bone:

  • Suprahyoid muscles (covered later in 'Muscles' section)

  • Infrahyoid muscles (covered later in 'Muscles' section)

  • Hyoglossus (muscle of tongue)

  • Middle paryngeal constrictor

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