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Components covered in this throat section:

  • Oral Cavity

  • Tongue

  • Salivary Glands

  • Palate

  • Pharynx

  • Larynx

Oral Cavity


Relations to oral cavity:

  • Superiorly- hard palate

  • Infeirorly- tongue

  • Laterally- cheeks

  • Anteriorly- oral fissure

  • Posteriorly- soft palate opening into oropharynx



Components covered in tongue subsection:

  • General structure

  • Surface projections

  • Muscles

  • Neurovasculature



General Structure


General structure:

  • Terminal sulcus- divides tongue into anterior 2/3 & posterior 1/3

  • Foramen cecum

  • Lingual papillae

  • Lingual frenulum














Surface Projections


Surface projections:

  • Valate/circumvallate papillae

  • Filiform papillae

  • Fungiform papillae

  • Foliate papillae

Taste buds are present in these surface projections

except on the filiform papillae. 


























Muscles of the tongue are of 2 types:

  • Intrinsic muscles- originate and inset within the tongue

  • Extrinsic muscles- attach from tongue to surrounding bones or soft palate

    • Genioglossus

    • Hyoglossus

    • Styloglossus

    • Palatoglossus

All innervated by CN XII (hypoglossal nerve) except palatoglussus (innervated by CN X (vagus nerve)).


Genioglossus- protrudes tongue to opposite side










Hyoglossus- depresses tongue












Styloglossus- elevates & retracts tongue













Palatoglossus- depresses soft palate & elevates back of tongue






















Arteries of the tongue- lingual artery via ECA.




Veins of the tongue- linguals veins- via IJV.

































Tongue nerve innervation:

  • Sensory

    • General sensation

      • Anterior 2/3- CN V3 (mandibular nerve)

      • Posterior 1/3- CN IX (glossopharyngeal nerve)

    • Special sensation- taste

      • Anterior 2/3- CN VII (facial nerve)

      • Posterior 1/3- CN IX (glossopharyngeal nerve)

  • Motor

    • CN XII (hypoglossal nerve)- innervates genioglossus, hyoglossus and styloglossus

    • CN X (vagus nerve)- innervates palatoglossus




Lymphatics of tongue- submental & submandibular glands.




  • Hard palate

  • Soft palate














Muscles of the palate:

  • Uvula

  • Palatoglossus

  • Palatopharyngeus

  • Tensor veli palatine- attached to medial pterygoid plate

  • Levator veli palatine

All muscles elevate the soft palate.

All innervated by CN X (vagus nerve).

















Components covered in pharynx subsection:

  • Components

  • Muscles

  • Waldeyer's lymphoid ring







  • Nasopharynx

  • Oropharynx

  • Laryngopharynx


















  • Outer circular layer

  • Inner longitudinal layer


Outer circular layer:

  • Superior constrictor muscles 

  • Middle constrictor muscles

  • Inferior constrictor muscles

Constrict walls of pharynx during swallowing.

All innervated by CN X (vagus nerve).














Inner longitudinal layer:

  • Stylopharyngeus

  • Salpingopharyngeus

  • Palatopharyngeus

Elevate pharynx during swallowing.

All innervated by CN X (vagus nerve) except stylopharyngeus

(innervated by CN IX (glossopharyngeal nerve).













Waldeyer's Lymphoid Ring


Waldeyer's lymphoid ring:

  • Pharyngeal/adenoid tonsil

  • Platine tonsil

  • Lingual tonsil






















Components covered in larynx subsection:

  • Relations

  • Skeleton

  • Membranes

  • Laryngeal inlet

  • Lumen

  • Nerves

  • Vocal cords






  • Superiorly- continious with oropharynx

  • Inferiorly- contiues as trachea





















Skeleton of the larynx:

  • Epiglottic cartilage

  • Thyroid cartilage

  • Cricoid cartilage- forms a complete ring

  • Arytenoid cartilage- paired cartilage

















Membranes of the larynx:

  • Thyrohyoid membrane

  • Cricothyroid membrane

  • Cricotracheal membrane


















Laryngeal Inlet


  • Laryngeal inlet





Lumen of larynx divided into 3 parts:

  1. Supraglottis/Vestibule/Upper part

  2. Glottis/Middle part

  3. Subglottic/Infraglottic/Lower part


Other structures to note:

  • Laryngeal ventricle






















Recurrent laryngeal nerve positions vary:

  • Right recurrent laryngeal nerve- loops from right vagus nerve below right braciocephalic trunk

  • Left recurrant laryngeal nerve- loops from left vagus nerve below the aortic arch

Innervate intrinsic muscles of the larynx



Vocal Cords














Salivary Glands



















There are 3 salivary glands:

  • Parotid gland- innervated by CN IX (glossopharyngeal nerve)

  • Submandibular gland- innervated by CN VII (facial nerve)

  • Sublingual gland- innervated by CN VII (facial nerve)

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