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Components covered in this nose section:

  • External Nose

  • Nasal Cavity

  • Paranasal Air Sinuses

  • Neurovasculature















External Nose


External nose:

  • Frontal bone

  • Nasal bone

  • Maxillary bone

  • Lacrimal bone

  • Septal cartilage

  • Alar cartilage




Nasal Cavity


Nasal cavity- divided into 2 halves by nasal septum


Nasal cavity:

  • Nasal septum

  • Recess/meatus

  • Paranasal air sinuses


Nasal septum:

  • Superior concha

  • Middle concha

  • Inferior concha







Paranasal Air Sinuses


Paranasal air sinuses- air filled extension that are part of the nasal cavity
















Paranasal air sinuses:

  • Sphenoidal sinus

  • Frontal sinus

  • Ethmoidal air cells:

    • Anterior

    • Middle

    • Posterior

  • Maxillary sinus



Nerve innervation to air sinuses is via CN V branches:

  • Sphenoidal sinus- CN V1 (opthalmic nerve)

  • Frontal sinus- CN V1 (opthalmic nerve)

  • Ethmoidal air cells- CN V1 (opthalmic nerve) & CN V2 (maxillary nerve)

  • Maxillary sinus- CN V2 (maxillary nerve)





Arteries of nose- from branches of facial artery.




Veins of nose- from branvhes of facial vein.



















Nerve innervation of nose:

  • Sensory

    • General sensation innervation

      • CN V (trigeminal nerve)

        • CN V1 (opthalmic nerve)- innervates sphenoidal sinus, frontal sinus, ethmoidal air cells

        • CN V2 (maxillary nerve)- innervates ethmoidal air cells and maxillary sinus

        • CN V3 (mandibular nerve)

    • Special sensation- smell

      • CN I (olfactory nerve)




Lymphatics drainage of nose- submandibular nodes.

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