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Neurovasculature of the Lower Limb:

  • Arteries

  • Veins

  • Nerves

  • Dermatomes

  • Lymphatics



Arteries of the Lower Limb:

  • Common iliac artery

  • External iliac artery

  • Internal iliac artery

  • Superior gluteal artery

  • Inferior gluteal artery

  • Deep femoral artery

  • Popliteal artery

  • Anterior tibial artery

  • Posterior tibial artery

  • Fibular artery

  • Medial plantar artery

  • Lateral plantar artery



  • Common iliac Artery becomes External iliac artery & at Internal iliac artery at L4

  • External iliac artery becomes Femoral artery below inguinal ligament























  • Internal iliac artery divides into superior gluteal artery & inferior gluteal artery





















  • Deep femoral artery/Deep artery of thigh branches from femoral artery

























Femoral artery becomes popliteal artery


Popliteal artery divides into:

  • Fibular artery

  • Anterior tibial artery

  • Posterior tibial artery


Anterior tibial artery becomes dorsalis pedis artery

Posterior tibial artery divides into:

  • Medial plantar artery

  • Lateral plantar artery





























 Veins of the Lower Limb:

  • Common femoral vein

  • External iliac vein

  • Internal iliac vein

  • Femoral vein

  • Popliteal vein

  • Greater saphenous vein

  • Lesser saphenous vein

  • Profunda femoris vein



  • Common femoral vein becomes external iliac vein and internal iliac vein at L4

  • External iliac vein becomes into femoral vein below inguinal ligament






























Femoral vein drains into:

  • Greater saphenous vein from medial malleolus

  • Lesser saphenous vein (via popliteal vein) from lateral malleolus


Femoral vein also drains into profunda femoris vein





























Nerve supply to the lower limb is via the lumbo-sacral plexus:

  • Lumbar plexus branches (L1-L4)

  • Sacral plexus branches (L4-S4)























Lumbar plexus branches (L1-L4):

  • Femoral nerve

    • Iliacus

    • Quadriceps femoris

    • Pectineus

    • Sartorius

  • Obturator nerve

    • Adductor magnus

    • Adductor longus

    • Adductor brevis

    • Obturator externus












Sacral plexus branches (L4-S4):

  • Sciatic nerve

    • Hamstrings

  • Superior gluteal nerve

    • Gluteus medius

    • Gluteus minimus

  • Inferior gluteal nerve

    • Gluteus maximus














Sciatic nerve divides into:

  • Tibial nerve- innervates posterior leg compartment

  • Common fibular nerve































Common peroneal/fibular nerve:

  • Deep fibular nerve- innervates anterior leg compartment

  • Superficial fibular nerve- innervates lateral leg compartment

























Tibial nerve innervates posterior/flexor leg compartment:

  • Medial plantar nerve

  • Lateral plantar nerve


















Lower limb dermatomes






















Lower limb cutaneous nerve supply




Lower limb drains via:

  • Superficial inguinal nodes

  • Deep inguinal nodes

  • Popliteal nodes

End of Lower Limb
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