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Components covered in this eye section:

  • Orbit

  • Eyeballs

  • Muscles

  • Neurovasculature

  • Lacrimal Apparatus



Components covered in this orbit subsection:

  • Bones

  • Foramina of the orbit

  • Contents





7 bone form the orbit:

  • Frontal bone

  • Maxillary bone

  • Zygomatic bone

  • Lacrimal bone

  • Ethmoid bone

  • Palatine bone

  • Sphenoid bone






























Foramina of the orbit:

  • Optic canal

  • Superior orbital fissure

  • Inferior orbital fissure








Contents of the orbit:

  1. Intrinsic ocular muscles

  2. Extrinsic ocular muscles

  3. Ligaments supporting the eye

  4. Eyelids & eyeball

  5. The lacrimal (tear) apparatus

  6. Nerves & vasculature




  • Outer fibrous layer

    • Cornea (anterior- transparent part)

    • Sclera (posterior- tough opaque part)

  • Middle vascular layer/uvea

    • Choroid 

    • Ciliary body (and ciliary processes)

    • Iris

  • Inner sensory layer

    • Retina

      • Optic non-visual part


The eye is divided into:

  • Aqueous humour- watery fluid in anterior segment

  • Vitreous humour- gel in the posterior segment


Other structures to note:

  • Lens

  • Anterior chamber

  • Posterior chamber

  • Optic nerve


  • Optic disc

  • Central retinal artery

  • Macula














Components covered in this muscles subsection:

  • Intrinsic muscles of the eye/Intraocular muscles (IOMs)

  • Extrinsic muscles of the eye/Extraocular muscles (IOMs)

  • Eye movements












  • Ciliaris- accomodation (for viewing objects at various distances)

  • Constrictor pupillae- constricts pupil

  • Dilator pupillae- dilates pupil

All have parasympathetic innervation from CN III (occulomotor nerve) except dilator pupillae (sympathetic innervation)







  • Levator palpebrae superioris

  • Superior oblique

  • Inferior oblique

  • Superior rectus

  • Inferior rectus

  • Medial rectus

  • Lateral rectus

All innervated by CN III (occulomotor nerve) except:

  • Superior oblique- innervated by CN IV (trochlear nerve)

  • Lateral rectus- innervated by CN VI (abducens nerve)














Eye Movements


Eye movements:

  • Elevation

  • Depression

  • Abduction

  • Adduction

  • Intorsion

  • Extorsion







Remember RADSIN (Recti ADuctors, Superiors INtortors)



  • Levator palpebrae superioris (LPS)- elevate superior eyelid

  • Superior oblique (SO)- abduction, intortion, depression

  • Inferior oblique (IO)- abduction, extorsion, elevation

  • Superior rectus (SR)- adduction, intorsion, elevation

  • Inferior rectus (IR)- abduction, extorsion, depression

  • Medial rectus (MR)- adduction

  • Lateral rectus (LR)- abduction














Arteries of the orbit and eye:

  • Opthalmic artery (branch of ICA)- passes through optic canal



















Veins of the orbit and eye:

  • Opthalmic veins - passes through superior orbital fissure




















Nerves of the orbit and eye are cranial nerves:

  • CN II (optic nerve)- passes through optic canal

  • CN III (occulomotor nerve)- innervates ciliaris, constrictor pupillae, LPS, IO, SR, IR, MR (passes through supeiror orbital fissure)

  • CN IV (trochlear nerve)- innervates SO (passes through supeiror orbital fissure)

  • CN V1 (opthalmic nerve)- passes through superior orbital fissure

  • CN VI (abducens nerve)- innervates LR (passes through supeiror orbital fissure)





There are no lymphatics in the orbit.

Lacrimal Apparatus















Lacrimal apparatus:

  • Lacrimal gland- innervated by CN VII (facial nerve)

  • Puncta

  • Lacrimal sac

  • Nasolacrimal duct

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