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The lower limb muscles covered in this section will be covered in a systematic way, region by region. If you haven't checked 'The Lower Limb Regions' section before this then you might find it helpful to do so.


  • The nerve innervations for the muscles that you need to know will be covered in this section.

  • The course that these nerves run will be covered in the 'Nerve' subsection of the 'Neurovasculature' section.

  • The individual muscle actions will covered in the 'Joints' section explaining the muscle movement on individual joints.

























  • Psoas major

  • Psoas minor

  • Iliacus

  • Pectineus

All innervated by femoral nerve except psoas major (innervated by lumbar plexus).

Pelvic Muscles

Superficial Muscles

























  • Gluteus maximus

  • Gluteus medius

  • Gluteus minimus

  • Tensor fascia lata

All innervated by superior gluteal nerve except gluteus maximus (innervated by inferior gluteal nerve).



Deep Muscles

























  • Piriformis- innervated by nerve to piriformis

  • Superior gemellus- innervated by nerve to obturator internus

  • Obturator internus- innervated by nerve to obturator internus

  • Inferior gemellus- innervated by nerve quadratus femoris

  • Quadratus femoris- innervated by nerve to quadratus femoris 

Gluteal Muscles

Anterior Thigh


  • Rectus femoris

  • Vastus medialis

  • Vastus intermedius

  • Vastus lateralis

  • Sartorius

All innervated by femoral nerve.
















Medial Thigh





















  • Pectineus

  • Adductor brevis

  • Adductor longus

  • Adductor magnus

  • Gracilis

  • Obturator externus 

All innervated by obturator nerve except pectineus (innervated by femoral nerve).



Posterior Thigh


Posterior thigh muscles/Hamstrings:

  • Semitendinosus

  • Semimembranosus

  • Biceps femoris

All innervated by sciatic nerve.
















Thigh Muscles

Anterior/Extensor Leg


  • Tibialis anterior

  • Extensor halluces longus

  • Extensor digitorum longus

  • Fibularis tertius

All innervated by deep fibular nerve

(branch of common fibular/peroneal nerve).


















Lateral Leg


  • Fibularis brevis

  • Fibularis longus 

All innervated by superficial fibular nerve

(branch of common fibular/peroneal nerve).






















Posterior/Flexor Leg


Superficial posterior leg muscles:

  • Gastrocnemius (becoming calcaneal tendon)

  • Plantaris

  • Soleus

  • Popliteus

All innervated by tibial nerve.





















Deep posterior leg muscles:

  • Tibialis posterior

  • Flexor digitorum longus

  • Flexor halluces longus

All innervated by tibial nerve.
















Leg Muscles

Foot Dorsum Muscles


  • Extensor digitorum brevis

  • Extensor halluces brevis

All innervated by deep fibular nerve 

(branch of common fibular nerve).





























Foot Plantar Muscles


Layer 1 foot plantar muscles:

  • Abductor digiti minimi

  • Flexor digitorum brevis

  • Abductor halluces

All innervated by medial/lateral plantar nerves.

























Layer 2 foot plantar muscles:

  • Quadratus plantae

  • Lumbricals

  • Interossei

All innervated by medial/lateral plantar nerves.

Foot Muscles

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