Muscles of the head & neck:
Muscles of Facial Expression
Muscles of Mastication
Strap muscles of the neck
Suprahyoid Muscles
Infrahyoid Muscles
Prevertebral & postvertebral muscles
Prevertebral muscles
Postvertebral/Posterior axioappendicular muscles (covered in "Upper Limb Muscles" section)
Nerve innervations for muscles that you need to know will be covered in this section and recapped again in the 'Nerves' subsection of 'Neurovasculature' section.
If a muscle acts on a joint that IS NOT covered in the 'Joints' section, the movement of the muscle will be stated in this section.
If a muscle acts on a joint that IS covered in the 'Joints' section, then the movement the muscle causes on a respective joint will be covered in the 'Joints' section.
Muscles of Facial Expression
Platysma- depresses mandible & tenses skin of inferior face and neck
Buccinator- pulls back angle of mouth
Zygomaticus major
Zygomaticus minor
Orbicularis oris- closes mouth
Orbicularis oculi- closes eyes
Occipitofrontalis muscle (frontal belly)- lifts eyebrows
All innervated by facial nerve (CN VII).
Muscles of Mastication
Lateral pterygoid- attached to lateral pterygoid plate
Medial pterygoid- attached to lateral pterygoid plate
All supplied by mandibular nerve (CN V3).
Actions will be covered in the 'Joints' section.
Strap Muscles of the Neck
Suprahyoid Muscles:
Mylohyoid- innervated by CN V3
Geniohyoid- innervated by C1
Anterior belly- innervated by CN V3
Posterior belly- innervated by CN VII
Stylohyoid- innervated by CN VII
All depress mandible and elevate hyoid bone.
Infrahyoid Muscles:
Omohyoid (superior & inferior belly)
All innervated by ansa cervicalis (C1-C3) except thyrohyoid (innervated by C1)
All depress hyoid bone and elevate.
Prevertebral & Postvertebral Muscles
Prevertebral muscles:
Longus colli- weak flexor of vertebral column
Longus cervicis
Longus capitis
Anterior scalene- elevates 1st rib
Other muscle- Sternocleidomastoid- innervated by CN XI (accessory nerve)
Postvertebral/Posterior axioappendicular muscles:
Trapezius- innervated by CN XI
Levator scapulae
Rhomboid major
Rhomboid minor
Movements covered in 'Upper Limb Joints' section.