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Muscles of the head & neck:

  • Head

    • Muscles of Facial Expression

    • Muscles of Mastication

  • Neck

    • Strap muscles of the neck

      • Suprahyoid Muscles

      • Infrahyoid Muscles

    • Prevertebral & postvertebral muscles

      • Prevertebral muscles

      • Postvertebral/Posterior axioappendicular muscles (covered in "Upper Limb Muscles" section)


  • Nerve innervations for muscles that you need to know will be covered in this section and recapped again in the 'Nerves' subsection of 'Neurovasculature' section.

  • If a muscle acts on a joint that IS NOT covered in the 'Joints' section, the movement of the muscle will be stated in this section.

  • If a muscle acts on a joint that IS covered in the 'Joints' section, then the movement the muscle causes on a respective joint will be covered in the 'Joints' section.

Muscles of Facial Expression

























  • Platysma- depresses mandible & tenses skin of inferior face and neck

  • Buccinator- pulls back angle of mouth

  • Zygomaticus major

  • Zygomaticus minor

  • Orbicularis oris- closes mouth

  • Orbicularis oculi- closes eyes

  • Occipitofrontalis muscle (frontal belly)- lifts eyebrows

All innervated by facial nerve (CN VII). 




Muscles of Mastication



















  • Temporalis

  • Masseter

  • Lateral pterygoid- attached to lateral pterygoid plate

  • Medial pterygoid- attached to lateral pterygoid plate

All supplied by mandibular nerve (CN V3).

Actions will be covered in the 'Joints' section.


Strap Muscles of the Neck

























Suprahyoid Muscles:

  • Mylohyoid- innervated by CN V3

  • Geniohyoid- innervated by C1

  • Digastic

    • Anterior belly- innervated by CN V3

    • Posterior belly- innervated by CN VII

  • Stylohyoid- innervated by CN VII

All depress mandible and elevate hyoid bone.






















Infrahyoid Muscles:

  • Sternohyoid

  • Thyrohyoid

  • Sternohyoid

  • Omohyoid (superior & inferior belly)

All innervated by ansa cervicalis (C1-C3) except thyrohyoid (innervated by C1)

All depress hyoid bone and elevate.




Prevertebral & Postvertebral Muscles























Prevertebral muscles:

  • Longus colli- weak flexor of vertebral column

    • Longus cervicis

    • Longus capitis

  • Anterior scalene- elevates 1st rib


Other muscle- Sternocleidomastoid- innervated by CN XI (accessory nerve)




















Postvertebral/Posterior axioappendicular muscles:

  • Trapezius- innervated by CN XI

  • Levator scapulae

  • Rhomboid major

  • Rhomboid minor

Movements covered in 'Upper Limb Joints' section.


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