Muscles of The Upper Limb:
Shoulder Muscles
Arm Muscles
Forearm Muscles
Hand Muscles
The upper limb muscles covered in this section will be covered in a systematic way, region by region. If you haven't checked 'The Upper Limb Regions' section before this then you might find it helpful to do so.
The nerve innervations for the muscles that you need to know will be covered in this section.
The course that these nerves run will be covered in the 'Nerves' subsection of 'Neurovasculature' subsection.
The individual muscle actions will covered in the 'Joints' section explaining the muscle movement on individual joints.
All shoulder muscles are shown in the photo below allowing you to compare where they are in relation to on another.
Anterior axioappendicular muscles
Pectoralis major
Pectoralis minor
Serratus anterior- supplied by long thoracic nerve
Posterior axioappendicular muscles
Superficial posterior axioappendicular muscles:
Trapezius- supplied by spinal accessory nerve (CN XI)
Lattisimus dorsi
Deep Posterior axioappendicular muscles:
Levator scapulae
Rhomboid major
Rhomboid minor
Scapulohumeral muscles
Rotator cuff muscles:
Teres minor- supplied by axillary nerve
Other scapulohumeral muscles:
Deltoid (visible in top photo)- supplied by axillary nerve
Teres major- supplied by subscapular nerve
Shoulder Muscles
Anterior/Flexor compartment of arm
Biceps brachii (long and short head)
All innervated by musculocutaneous nerve.
Posterior/Extensor compartment of arm
Triceps brachii (lateral, medial & long head)
All innervated by radial nerve.
Arm Muscles
Anterior/Flexor compartment of foreaarm
All anterior compartment of forearm muscles are shown in the photo below allowing you to compare where they are in relation to on another.
Superficial anterior forearm muscles:
Pronator teres
Flexor carpi radialis
Palmaris longus
Flexor carpi ulnaris
All innervated by median nerve except flexor carpi ulnaris (innervated by ulnar nerve).
Intermediate anterior forearm muscles:
Flexor digitorum superficialis
All innervated by median nerve.
Deep anterior forearm muscles:
Flexor digitorum profundus
Flexor pollicis longus
Pronator quadratus
All innervated by median nerve except digits 4 and 5 of flexor digitorum profundus (innervated by ulnar nerve).
Brachioradialis- part of posterior compartment but causes flexion
Innervated by the radial nerve.
Posterior/Extensor compartment of foreaarm
All posterior compartment of forearm muscles are shown in the photo below allowing you to compare where they are in relation to one another.
Hands/wrist posterior forearm muscles:
Extensor carpi radialis longus
Extensor carpi radialis brevis
Extensor carpi ulnaris
All innervated by radial nerve.
Digits/fingers posterior forearm muscles:
Extensor digitorum
Extensor indicis
Extensor digiti minimi
All innervated by radial nerve.
Thumb posterior forearm muscles:
Extensor pollicis longus
Extensor pollicis brevis
Abductor pollicis longus
All innervated by radial nerve.
Forearm Muscles
Thenar compartment of hand
Flexor pollicis brevis
Abductor pollicis brevis
Opponens pollicis
All innervated by median nerve.
Hypothenar compartment of hand
Flexor digiti minimi
Abductor digiti minimi
Opponens digiti minimi
All innervated by ulnar nerve.
Adductor compartment of hand
Adductor pollicis
Innervated by ulnar nerve.
Lumbricals compartment of hand
4 lumbricals (originate form flexor digitorum profundus)
Lumbricals 1 & 2 innervated by median nerve.
Lumbricals 3 & 4 innervated by ulnar nerve.
Interossei compartment of hand
3 palmar interossei (2, 4, 5)
4 dorsal interossei
All innervated by ulnar nerve.